There are many different reasons for why I care about both Laban and Wigman's accomplishments and choreography. Laban is important to me because he has helped me find a body connection to my movement. Before studying Laban, I was very disconnected with my movement and after learning about all his practices and how his mind worked, I found myself opening new doors to my movement and becoming more connected in how I think and move. Wigman, on the other hand, is disinterested in the way that Laban moves and more interested in expressionism. This interests me because expression is something that I play with in my body many times in class. How do you express your emotions without using facial expressions? That is the biggest question I have been trying to figure out.
Most people should care about these two important figures because they bring to the dance world many important connections between connectivity and expression. These two ideas can help a combination look more alive and help a dancer be better rounded. Many people today study Laban in hopes to not only find connectivity, but understand the way they move as a dancer. So many times we get caught up in how we think we move, but once we figure out how we actually move, we can find different ways to improve that movement. Wigman is studied by people who are more interested in expressing themselves through their dancing.
The following are short clips on Laban and Wigman and their importance in the dance world.